Nob Hill Music, LLC

Vinyl Record and CD Store on Historic Route 66

Open at our new location; 3904-B Central SE, Thurs-Sun, Noon to 6

Consignment available if you want to sell some Stereo Equipment!

We carry 45’s, 33-1/3 LP’s, cassettes, and CD’s. WE HAVE 300-400 CASSETTE TAPES. Our particular strengths are Jazz and Rock, but our collection covers many styles; world, soul, funk, hip hop, house, disco, reggae, blues, folk, country, vocal, soundtracks, New Mexico, and classical. Our inventory of vinyl records is featured on our online database. If you’re looking for a particular vinyl record, please check our online database first. (Yellow button below).

If you’re looking for a particular item not on our inventory database, Nob Hill Music specialty access includes 20,000 LP’s off site. If ‘Search for Records’ button doesn’t bring up your desired release, please feel free to submit a request on our ‘Music Requests’ page.

Buying Records Albuquerque

Come check out our album label coasters, LP bowls, postcards and vinyl canvas paintings plus framed vinyl cover collage art. We also carry LP supplies, such as boxes for shipping, frames for album art, and inner/outer sleeve for protecting your covers and vinyl.

We also carry used stereo equipment: speakers, turntables, receivers, CD & Cassette Players.

Audio Equipment for Sale


We pay solid market value for records, cassettes, and CD’s. Bring your records into the store. Larger batches require time to review and price. See selling/trading music. Please call for an appointment at 505-266-4200.

We lost our “” domain name, so our domain will be “” from now on. Sorry if that caused confusion in finding us.


Here’s another, shorter, video tour!


Read about Steve’s experience producing concerts in the 70’s.

“There were three of them in the back seat [of the GTO] and Gregg Allman in the front, passenger seat. At the end of the ride, they all wanted to buy the car.”